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Post by Pentlandpirate »

Britain is totally reliant on these imports if all the ships broke down at once.................
They don't have to break down. They just stop them sailing. And these could be computer parts used in our communications and banking systems, parts for our oil industry, parts for our nuclear, wind and hydro power generation units, parts for cars, trains and aeroplanes ......pharmaceuticals. It only took a handful of fuel protesters a few years back to almost bring this country to its knees. The way things are going the Chinese could have us by the testes, as Dubhsgier so neatly describes it!

Who says it could never happen?
Makes Sense
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Global Warming Ha

Post by Makes Sense »

Having read ALL the posts it never ceases to amaze me that even when something is explained in simple terms some people just don't get it.

YES there is global warming. No we can't stop it or slow it down.

Read the New Scientist, no crap just plain and simple. Incidentally the original so called top scientists that signed a document to say they all agreed about the global warming problem and how WE ARE NOT HELPING IT have in the main asked from their names to be removed as this WAS NOT what they were originally signing.

Stick that in your pipe and smoke it.

Lighten up you can't live forever and not boiling a kettel or not turning your car off at the light aint going to make ANY difference to Global Warming.....


This is more convincing . . .

Post by Swarm »

This is more compelling . . .

Come on, you really find the odious Mr. Stossel convincing? That's the man who believes the free market would be a good thing for organ transplants . . . he's just a right wing apologist journo blowing hot air out at both ends.

Stay tuned, next week John Stossel explains how cancer "may be a good thing"

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Re: Global Warming Ha

Post by Herby Dice »

Makes Sense wrote:Having read ALL the posts it never ceases to amaze me that even when something is explained in simple terms some people just don't get it.

YES there is global warming. No we can't stop it or slow it down.

Read the New Scientist, no crap just plain and simple. Incidentally the original so called top scientists that signed a document to say they all agreed about the global warming problem and how WE ARE NOT HELPING IT have in the main asked from their names to be removed as this WAS NOT what they were originally signing.

Stick that in your pipe and smoke it.

Lighten up you can't live forever and not boiling a kettel or not turning your car off at the light aint going to make ANY difference to Global Warming.....

Interesting. Interesting also that the overwhelming majority of articles in NS on climate change seem to reflect the view that there is s isgnificant anthropogenic component to climate change - no crap, just plain and simple :lol: . This probably reflects the undeniable fact that the overwhelming consensus opinion among climatologists is to that effect - the numbers of sceptics, far from increasing as they would have us believe, are shrinking rapidly - and they are becoming ever more strident to try and hide this stark fact.

Wonderfully vague "fact" you posted there, MS - some scientists who signed "a document" issued some kind of retraction. I'd like to see a source for this.
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Post by Minimum »

Can I ask if there are any of us who believe "the Chinese" (as PP puts it) shouldn't have the same amount of wealth, goods, opportunities and goals as we have?

Post by Pentlandpirate »

Yes, Minimum, I fully support everyone being able to raise their standard of living. My concern is that the growing might of the Chinese State may threaten our future. How do we help them to catch up with us, but without it leading to conflict?
Last edited by Pentlandpirate on Tue Jan 22, 2008 8:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by spiderman »

They don't need help. It's their turn. Just lie back, think of England and enjoy it. The rest of us will think of Scotland which has always been exploited by greedy colonial powers but is beginning to see the light .........

:) 8)

Post by Pentlandpirate »

think of Scotland which has always been exploited by greedy colonial powers but is beginning to see the light .........
but not with nuclear power
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Post by spiderman »

8) 'scuse me, sunshine, but someone with a name containing Pentland should know that Scotland has been a leader in nuclear power, way ahead of the planet with the fast breeder at Dounreay and, for most of the past few decades, deriving more than England and more than a third of its energy from nuclear........ 8) 8) :lol:

We were world leaders and are now moving on to new fields of excellence.

What's your point, pirate? Are you locked into the past? 8) 8)

Post by Pentlandpirate »

'scuse me, sunshine, but someone with a name containing Pentland should know that Scotland has been a leader in nuclear power, way ahead of the planet with the fast breeder at Dounreay
Surprise, surprise, that's why I'm called Pentland having lived half my life 6 miles downwind of Dounreay, and I've even got the hair loss and stunted growth to prove it!

Anyhow, it's closed and hasn't produced energy for Scotland or anyone else for a long time
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Post by spiderman »

:) 8) Your hair loss and stunted growth are bugger-all to do with Dounreay - look for other reasons. The fast breeder was way ahead of its time and its emissions were negligible (even taking into account the odd hot particle in Sandside Bay). So were your parents baldy and stunted or is it a result of some personal habit?..... 8) 8) :) 8)

Post by Pentlandpirate »

........oh and depression too! And Sandside Bay was my favourite beach.

Anyhow why should you assume it's all down to my parents. What about Chernobyl, Hiroshima, etc, and the mutations both humans and animals have suffered? Talking of such, what do you put your mutation to Spiderman down to?
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Post by spiderman »

8) :) My mutation was the result of a big dose in a short time. These other things (Chernobyl, Hiroshima) were small-dose events in UK. So look again towards your parents and your personal habits.....

Post by Pentlandpirate »

What have personal habits got to do with it? I haven't gone blind yet.

Hiroshima and Chernobyl were not small dose for those in Japan and Russia. Did you know the reactor lid blew off at Dounreay? How much radioactivity blew out then?

Anyhow, I agree, Britain (sorry, not Scotland) was a leader in nuclear energy when it opened Dounreay (the reality is that most of the 'boffins' and skilled staff were from south of the border). I think it was short-sighted to de-commission the site. Too many CND, SNP typo, Green, socialists put our future at risk.
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Post by canUsmellthat »

Sixth extinction, that's all I can say...
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Post by spiderman »

:) 8) Yep, PP, we are in agreement - it was short-sighted decommissioning Dounreay - no CO2 emissions, more fuel created than it used - we looked a gift horse in the mouth, English or not. Actually, if the English had been a hundredth as inventive as the Scots, they would have been better neighbours, a bit more useful to the planet and a lot more lovable.

Must off to New York.............there's another Green Goblin over there exploiting the China syndrome.......

KAPPOOOOOOOWW.... 8) 8) :twisted: :roll:
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Post by Eric the Viking »

Too many CND, SNP typo, Green, socialists put our future at risk
You haven't restarted the Economoc League have you PP?

:roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :viking
Om jeg hamrer eller hamres,
ligefuldt så skal der jamres!

Post by Pentlandpirate »

You haven't restarted the Economic League have you PP?
......or CAPRiM. No, but having been (I think wrongly) accused of being right wing, etc, I can see where you are coming from!

Post by longshanks »

Really cheered by recent postings, in particular by "Swarm"'s second post which was immediately followed by himself again in another of his many identities.
Makes you wonder doesn't it eh?
I guess soemone who gets so wound up by comments pooh-pooing CO2 global warming that he spends his sunday afternoon researching and writing the New Scientist cloned and linked response maybe feels a need hide behind multiple identities on this forum lest others mistake him for a retentive four-eyed geek.
Chill out; your house will not be under water for many centuries. If you're really worried stop driving your car.
The second thing to cheer me was to note the resurgence of anti-English racism in the form of this little gem from the spider:
"if the English had been a hundredth as inventive as the Scots, they would have been better neighbours, a bit more useful to the planet and a lot more lovable."
Must be cheering to the (at least) hundred English living on this island to know that's what their neighbours feel about them. Highland welcome and hospitality and all that. Hopefully, Spiderman, you won't object to a pair of Englishman running the upcoming quiz night at the TnT. Seems to me that they have a little bit of get up and go to organise an evening's entertainment for the rest of us. Good for them.
must go, got a little beck to cross.
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So there is only one believer in AGW on this forum?

Post by NickB »

in particular by "Swarm"'s second post which was immediately followed by himself again in another of his many identities.
Makes you wonder doesn't it eh?
LS, what makes you say that? I had a look at the IP addresses out of idle curiosity after reading your post and can't find any evidence of it . . . no posting from the same IP on any occasion. Are you suggesting that all the proponents of anthropogenic global warming are the same person?

(Interestingly though another stalwart of this forum has made 24 posts from the same IP address as your last post - and just to prove that it doesn't necessarily mean anything, it turns out that I have also made a post [just one] from that IP address - proving nothing except that we use the same ISP)

Re. your remarks about Englishmen . . . like many who have chosen to live here I would have taken Scots nationality were it available. If I had lived in almost any other country for 40 years I would have been able to procure citizenship, but until Uncle Alex leads us out of the wilderness or the English tell us to sling our hook it is not an option.

- NickB 8)
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